The Six Kalimas (كلمة ) kalimah in Islam are six significant parts of Muslim’s religious belief, mostly taken from hadiths. This Smartphone application provides Muslims throughout the world an opportunity to recite, learn and memorize the essential six Kalimas in the Religion of Peace. It offers Audio Recitation and Translation of the interpretation of these necessary Islamic foundations
Hadrat Zaid bin ‘Arqam (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Whoever says La ilaaha illal-laahu… sincerely will enter the Paradise.” It was said: And what is the [sign of] sincerity? He said: “That this kalimah stops him from those things which Allah has forbidden.”
(Tabaraani in Awsat-ul-Kabeer)
Features of the Best Islamic App:
> Listen and Read Surah 6 Kalma of Islam Recitation
> Easy Urdu and English translation of Kalmas
> Excellent Readability
> Nice HD graphics
> Name of each Kalma is provided in addition to its literal meaning.
> Play and Pause feature for Kalima Audio
> Transliteration helps in pronunciation of Kalmas in Arabic.
>Translation feature helps in understanding the meanings of each Islamic Kalma in both English and Urdu.
> Share choice lets the user to distribute this greatly helpful app using different sharing options.
Download this free Islamic app of 6 Kalma of Islam to recite and learn by heart the foundation of Islam
伊斯兰教六Kalimas(كلمة)kalimah是穆斯林宗教信仰6显著的部分,大多是从圣训拍摄。这款智能手机应用程序提供世界各地的穆斯林有机会背诵,学习和和平的宗教记忆至关重要6 Kalimas。它提供这些必要的伊斯兰基金会的解释音频背诵和翻译
Hadrat扎伊德斌'Arqam(真主喜悦他)述,安拉的使者(SAW)说:“谁说的La ilaaha illal-laahu ......真诚地将进入天堂”有人说:那是的[符号]诚意呢?他说:“本kalimah阻止他从真主所禁止的那些东西。”